Tango Talk Tuesday: Snowflake’s Report

Snowflake here, to talk about life.

I am the oldest piggy of the group. No one knows exactly how old I am, but I am around seven. I have been here longer than the other piggies, but not as long as Tango, the rabbit. I am blind and have some neuropathy in my back feet. 

Someone in Mommy’s group ask for advice on dealing with a blind piggy. Mommy posted that she doesn’t do much different now than she did before. She told them that she makes me little puzzles to work out for stimulation.


According to the writers, she should do everything for me. I AM BLIND, NOT DEAD !

Anyways, I can do almost everything my siblings do. I still tattle on them, fight with them, and I am still the queen. I keep both my sisters in line. I could snap that little Scout in place if Mommy let me.

So I told Mommy that if anyone gets rude, just spray them. That is what I do.